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Jun 8, 2021

Sunny Days Ahead

It had been a full year since we had been back to Oregon. A lot can change in a year. For me, it's been a change in perspective.

This past year has helped me realize how appreciative I am to be able to return home –

To the memories.

To see what has changed (and what has not).

To feel time.

But mostly, to see our family. 

As I'm getting older, I'm recognizing that the opportunities to see our families are finite. Families grow. Jobs relocate us. Time and distance make it more and more difficult to get everyone in the same place at the same moment.

That's why this weekend was so special.

For the first time since we were married (9 years ago this month), we were all together again to celebrate our new addition to the family – our baby boy will be arriving in August.