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Feb 4, 2021

"I Love Road Trips"

this post features writing and photoraphy by the don.earth field recon team – meet the members of the team below!

"I love road trips” is what you repeat to yourself over and over again so that remember that you love doing something that is generally uncomfortable and tedious. ‘Road trips’ can really be replaced by any event or task that is completed whilst being alive. But the beautiful thing about road trip tedium that differentiates it from the day to day tedium is that you can drink and partake in recreational (and always super legal) drugs during all of it.

Within the first 36 hours of leaving Denver: we improperly closed the pop top which required a hurculean feat of strength to remedy. (Relevant aside: Have you seen us? Together we muster the strength of 1.25 men.) we had to suffer through the most basic brand of spiked seltzers due to a woefully unobservant alcohol run. And finally, with an intimidating abyss of 12 hours between seeing said wallet and realizing it was missing – we frantically unpacked the entire van on the side of a road in small-town Colorado next to a park swarming with adolescent geese. As we looked at the disheveled remains of our careful packing lining a group of geese that seemed organized and poised to reenact a scene from Westside story, we stoically reminded ourselves “we love road trips.”

Just as Daniel unfurled half of our spaghetti rations onto the pavement – I peeked into the driver's side. The infamous wallet was sitting- in plain sight- on the drivers seat. We left the raw spaghetti for the geese and drove onward, feeling warm inside and laughing with Jod that son of a bitch for teaching us another timely lesson: it turns out the lost wallet was really the friends we made along the way.

We love Road Trips.


Daniel. Ohio born. Fast. Good with tools. Ever shape-shifting and ambitious.  

Rayna. Mult-talented. Good with dogs. Lucid, knowing, and indispensable. 

Colin. Likes to party. Good dancer. Luxurious hair. Strong.